Sun Fang, chairman of Guofu Shang Tong, visited Xindui Bonded Logistics Center

时间:2020-04-20 04:33:32.0 Number of reads: 2199 Author: Xinji Bonded Logistics Park

April 9, 2019Chairman Sun Fang, Vice President Fan Yuhai, Strategic Support manager Zhao Di, President Wei Yanxiang of Guangzhou Nansha Cross-border E-commerce Association, General manager Li Yingzhi of Leyun International Holdings (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. visited Xindi Bonded Logistics Center,City leader Wang Tieren, bonded logistics center leaders attended the symposium。

During the talks, the two sides discussed the establishment of the bonded logistics center in Xinji, cross-border e-commerce, supply chain financial services, and the introduction of organizational resources at home and abroad in various, multi-level and in-depth fields。

  It is believed that on the basis of rich industry experience, the two sides will work together to maximize the utilization of resources, further improve the overall operating efficiency, improve the quality of products and services, and promote the rapid economic development of Xindi Bonded Logistics Center。

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